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Kitchen Table

There is just something wonderful about seeing a table in the kitchen.  It's home.  It's inviting.  You want to  sit down and take...

Saturday, March 29, 2014

It's Almost April !

The question is.......Are we going out of March like a lamb ?  If you remember we came into March roaring like a Lion.  It was a storm which started early on the morning of March 1.  So it's suppose to go out like a lamb which will be Monday night, the 31st.  I'm all for a lamb.  Enough of the rain.  I know some people want more but I am not one of them.  I want to go out and enjoy my back yard, in fact all of my yards, front back and sides.  Let's hear it for the flowers and plants and going out and enjoying it, even the grass.  Like sitting in the grass.  Tootles  

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