Good Morning. Weather, well this is California and the pat answer to that is.... It's so unusual. That it is. On this 24th day of June, 2013 we have all our windows closed and it's raining. Believe me I am not complaining. Pleasant it is but the end of June? We are enjoying it as Jim is outside catching up on some chores he has put off because the forecast for later in the week is 100'. Now you see why our weather at all times is so unusual.
The plants in the yard love it and it does cut down on watering.
Trying to figure out what comes next, in my life that is. Jim and I did join a gym for almost a year and that was interesting and fun. Now I do what I can to exercise here at home and of course work on my blogs. I have three of them. I just want to do something else but just can't figure out what. I've thought of learning to play a musical instrument. I did have piano lessons when I was a young girl but really should have continued. I didn't.
I quit when I was 12. Big mistake. I did have a piano but gave it to one of my Granddaughters and she plays beautifully. Never had a lesson.
So I am still up in the air about what to do. I don't have a lot of money so vacationing around the world is out. Ha! Not that I would want to do that anyway. Doesn't feel like it would be fulfilling. My dream is to have a book store. Don't laugh. I know, I know everything is going on electronics but don't you think there are some people who would like to still get that book in hand. I know I would. I do have a Kindle and love it. Every night it's beside my bed resting on the pillow which is on the night stand. I have it propped up at an angle so I don't even have to hold it. Just use my finger to flip the page. Love it but that is for my night time reading. I have books I read in the day time and books I read at night. Some I want to hold in my hand open it and smell the pages. I want to see the front cover especially the spine as seeing it on the shelf will bring back the memory of enjoying or God forbid not enjoying it. You can't do that with a Kindle I don't care how convenient it is. More later. Tootles
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